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Hey! Pleased to meet you.

I'm Furkan, from Dubai. I began playing sports at the age of five. I have earned significant degrees in a variety of fields. After receiving robotic coding training in high school, I continued to study International Relations at the university to gain cultural knowledge.

As a student, I was very active and productive in club activities, brand representation offices, seminars, congresses, start-ups and projects I created, visited 17 countries and more than 100 cities, did internships, worked in the industry, and acquired hundreds of valuable networks.

Upon graduation, I joined the core team of "Scoutium" from Turkey's best ventures. I was very impressed with the data world while working here. Since I wanted to catch the change in the right place in the rapidly changing world order, I took a radical decision and focused the data science. I have two master's degrees in "Information Systems" at Sakarya University and "Management Information Systems" at Bartin University. I received training in many branches of marketing and I continue to learn. I learn more every day by gaining experiences where marketing and data merge. In this long and adventurous journey, I continue my journey by enjoying life and taking lessons.

"Never look back when you find the strength to follow your dreams!" is something I always keep inside me.

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